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Featured Tools

Word Counter
Count the number of words in your text.

Random Name Picker
Pick random names, words from a set of names, words.

QR Code Generator
Generate QR Code using text, url seamlessly.

Random Quote Generator
Generate random quote(s) using this tool.
Analytics Tools
Date & Time Tools

Date Calculator
Calculate date from any date to any date.

Time Zone Converter
Convert times between different time zones.

Age Calculator
Calculate a person's age based on their birthdate.

Birthday Calculator
Know your next birth day, month, year.

Birth Flower Calculator
Know your birth month flower using this tool.

Korean Birth Flower Calculator
Know your korean birth flower & meaning using this tool.

Work Hours Calculator
Calculate total work hours between two dates and times.

Week Number Calculator
Determine the week number for any given date.

Day Finder
Find the day of the week for any given date.

Time Until Calculator
Calculate the time remaining until a specific date-time.

Julian To Gregorian Converter
Convert between Julian dates and Gregorian dates.

Gregorian To Julian Converter
Convert between Gregorian dates and Julian dates.

Time Duration Calculator
Count the time duration between times.

Countdown Timer
Set custom countdown timer, like stopwatch.

Pomodoro Timer
Let's take a break using Pomodoro method.

Days Since Calculator
Calculate the distance between two dates.

Leap Year Checker
Check if a year is a leap year or not.

Gestational Age Calculator
Know the estimated due date of a pregnancy.
Financial Tools

Currency Converter
Convert any currency to other currencies.

Discount Calculator
Calculate the discount of any product.

Profit Margin Calculator
Calculate the profit margin of product.

GST Calculator
Calculate the GST tax of product/service.

Income Tax Calculator
Calculate the income tax accurately.

Loan Calculator
Calculate your loan, interest, EMI, etc.

Investment Calculator
Calculate your investment, return, profit.

Mortgage Calculator
Calculate your mortgage payments, EMIs.
Unit Converter Tools

Time Unit Converter
Convert unit of time to any time unit.

Data Unit Converter
Convert unit of data to any data unit.

Area Unit Converter
Convert between units like square meters, etc.

Length Unit Converter
Convert unit of length to any length unit.

Mass Unit Converter
Convert the unit of mass to any mass unit.

Speed Unit Converter
Convert the unit of speed to any speed unit.

Temperature Unit Converter
Convert the unit of temperature seamlessly.

Volume Unit Converter
Convert the unit volume to any volume unit.

Energy Unit Converter
Convert between units like watt-hours, etc.

Pressure Unit Converter
Convert between units like pascals, atmospheres, etc.

Power Unit Converter
Convert between units like watts, horsepower, etc.

Angle Unit Converter
Convert between units like degrees, radians, etc.

Joules To Calories Converter
Convert any joules value to calories value.

Calories To Joules Converter
Convert any calories value to joules value.
Text & Document Tools

Basic Text Editor
Write and save basic notes, nexts, etc.

Text Reverser
Convert unit of data to any data unit.

Text Case Converter
Convert text case to uppercase, lowercase, etc.

Word Counter
Count words, characters, sentence, lines, etc.

Text To PDF Converter
Write or upload text and convert to PDF file.

PDF To Text Converter
Upload and convert PDF to plain text seamlessly.

Text To Docx Converter
Convert any text file to a docx file seamlessly.

Docx To Text Converter
Convert any docx file to a text file seamlessly.

Text To ASCII Converter
Convert any text, character to ASCII value.

ASCII To Text Converter
Convert any ASCII value to text, character value.

Text To Morse Code Converter
Convert plain text to Morse code version.

Morse Code Converter
Convert any text, characters, to morse code.

Morse Code Reader
Convert morse code to readable plain text.

Text To Binary Converter
Convert text, characters to binary seamlessly.

Binary To Text Converter
Convert binary to readable text seamlessly.

Text To Decimal Converter
Convert text, characters to decimal value.

Decimal To Text Converter
Convert decimal value to readable text value.

Text To Hexadecimal Converter
Convert text, characters to hexadecimal value.

Hexadecimal To Text Converter
Convert hexadecimal value to readable text value.

Explore all the characters and their ASCII values.

ASCII Table Generator
Generate ASCII values table for any character.

Add Prefix/Suffix To Lines
Add prefix or suffix to any amount of lines in 1 click.
Image & Media Tools

Image Converter
Convert image file filetype to any image filetype.

Favicon Creator
Create favicon using alphabet, number, or name.

Favicon Generator
Generate favicon using logo, any image of your choice.

Image Compressor
Compress any image file to any size of your choice.

GIF to Image Converter
Convert any GIF file to an image file seamlessly.

PDF To Image Converter
Convert any PDF file to an image file(s) seamlessly.

Image To Base64 Converter
Convert an image file to it's corresponding Base64 value.

Base64 To Image Converter
Convert Base64 code to it's corresponding image file.

PNG Converter
Convert any image's filetype to a PNG filetype.

JPG Converter
Convert any image's filetype to a JPG filetype.

JPEG Converter
Convert any image's filetype to a JPEG filetype.

WEBP Converter
Convert any image's filetype to a WEBP filetype.

SVG Converter
Convert any image's filetype to a SVG filetype.
Mathematic Tools

Mathematic Calculator
Perform mathematical operations using this calculator.

Numerical Unit Converter
Converter numerical units to any specific unit.

Fibonacci Number Generator
Generate Fibonacci terms of any number.

Marks Percentage Calculator
Calculate percentage of marks you've acquired.

Palindrome Checker
Check if a provided number is palindrome or not.
Utility Tools

QR Code Generator
Generate QR Code using text, url seamlessly.

Barcode Generator
Generate barcode using this tool seamlessly.
Web Tools

Favicon Downloader
Download website favicon effortlessly.

CSV To JSON Converter
Convert a CSV file to JSON file seamlessly.

JSON To CSV Converter
Convert a JSON file to CSV file seamlessly.

HTML to Markdown Converter
Convert HTML code to Markdown format seamlessly.

Markdown To HTML Converter
Convert Markdown format to HTML code seamlessly.

Schema Markup Generator
Generate schema markup for rich snippets in search results.

Open Graph Tags Generator
Create Open Graph tags to optimize content sharing on social media.

WhatsApp Link Creator
Create WhatsApp message link with custom message.

Facebook Share Link Generator
Create Facebook share link with custom message.

X (Twitter) Share Link Generator
Create X (Twitter) share link with custom message.

LinkedIn Share Link Generator
Create LinkedIn share link with custom message.

Pinterest Share Link Generator
Create Pinterest share link with custom message.

Messenger Share Link Generator
Create Messenger share link with custom message.

Telegram Share Link Generator
Create Telegram share link with custom message.

Email Share Link Generator
Create Email share link with custom message.

What's My IP?
Know your IP address via visiting this tool.

IP Address LookUp
LookUp any IP Address to find more details.

URL Encoder
Encode any URL seamlessly by this tool.

URL Decoder
Decode any URL seamlessly by this tool.

Web Scraper
Scrap any web page using the URL of the page.

Meta Tags Extractor
Get all the meta tags and information of webpage.

File Meta Data Extractor
Get all the meta details of a file using this tool.

Image Placeholder Generator
Generate image placeholder ang get image, link, etc.

Internet Speed Tester
Test internet speed now using this tool seamlessly.

Email Validator
Validate an email by structure, delivery and more.
Miscellaneous Tools

Auto Searcher
Perform automatic search on Google, Bing, etc.

Find real-time direction using this tool.

BMI Calculator
Calculate BMI (Body Mass Index) using this tool.

Random Name Picker
Pick random names, words from a set of names, words.

Get weather details using this weather tool.

Random Word Generator
Generate random words using this tool.

Random Fact Generator
Generate random interesting fact(s) using this tool.

Random Quote Generator
Generate random quote(s) using this tool.

Random Joke Generator
Generate random joke(s) using this tool.

Color Picker
Pick any color of your choice using this tool.

HEX To RGB Color Converter
Convert color values between HEX, RGB, and other formats.

Password Generator
Generate strong passwords using this tool.

Weather Forecast
Know weather forecast using this tool.

Gradient Color Generator
Generate gradient color using this tool.